SimHub Dashboards Downloads

DNR Invisible Dashboard
The Daniel Newman Racing Invisible Dashboard solves one of Sim Racings most problematic DDU crisis.
Allowing you to turn your physical DDU into an invisible window, using this dashboard will allow you to 'see through' your physical DDU screen and observe whatever is on the PC screen behind it.
The dashboard removes the physical obscurity allowing access to menus and on screen prompts without needing to physical remove your DDU.

DNR Rally Dashboard
The Daniel Newman Racing Rally Dashboard provides accurate real time data from your Rally Sim of choice creating the ultimate Co-Pilot tool in Rally driving.
Helping drivers of all skill levels, the highly customisable Dashboard helps drivers achieve record stage times and using the built in Adaptive Display Zones give access to comprehensive telemetry that will improve your driving techniques.
As the professional once said ''if in doubt, go flat out''.