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DNR Policy

Subscription to the Daniel Newman Racing ecosystem will allow members access to profiles created for existing supported devices. A full list of those devices can be found here.

If a device is not listed, then it does not have Daniel Newman Racing support and potential future support for that device is not promised.

If you would like for a device to receive a Daniel Newman Racing profile, please ensure you communicate with the manufacturer of that device to allow them to become aware of such demand.

Daniel Newman Racing policy is that if a manufacturer wishes for its customers to benefit from DNR content they provide that piece of hardware to us without charge to allow us to complete that request.

Provision of this piece of hardware allows Daniel Newman Racing to do the following:

1) Use the cost of the device asset to offset the working hours involved to create a profile for the device, and to maintain that profile with updates and revisions, and also to cover the time used to create DNR SimHub plugin integration.

2) To aid in the creation of profiles for devices by providing a unit that can serve as a testbed for that creation. DNR profiles are built to be different, and as such the content of the profile is written in javascript code. We have a selection of pre configured themes that need to be tested and identified per device, and with some of the more deep rooted integration to button functions, testing is mandatory. We would not expect a company to release a piece of hardware untested, and we will in the same light not release a piece of software untested for the same reasons.

3) Ensure that we are not responsible for a piece of hardware belonging to a 3rd party. Due to the very nature of using hardware in a working environment, equally over protracted periods, an inherent risk exists of damage to devices, particularly when used with high force feedback or when being handled across multiple simulations. The provision of a permanent piece of hardware ensures there is no financial responsibility to Daniel Newman Racing in the event of such damage.

If a device cannot be provided by the manufacturer in question, then a profile cannot be created.

In exceptional circumstances, we may review this policy and integrate products where possible or appropriate without a device, but this is at the discretion of Daniel Newman Racing and is based on the device in question, the length of time integration will take and the complexity of creating such a profile.